Transhumanism: A Critical Analysis

During the first year of the project, a team of researchers convened to provide a critical overview of the current state of transhumanism, asking the following questions as platforms for further inquiry: What are the basic tenants of the transhumanist movement? Is it unified or discordant within itself? What does human flourishing look like according to technological culture? Their findings are represented in the content below, which explores these questions and more.

What is Transhumanism?

What is Posthumanism?

The Technological Imagination and Human Flourishing

Transhumanist efforts to improve human nature by means of technology are rooted in distinct visions of human flourishing. In this section, scholars examine some of the ideas which have captured the imagination of technological culture.

Technology and Current Issues: Resources for Engagement

Science and Anthropology

Disability and Aging

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Being Human in a Technological World: Pointers from Patristic Anthropology

Very Rev. Dr. John Behr

Expanding Theological Discussions of Embodiment

Dr. Eleanor McLaughlin

Dr. Eleanor McLaughlin suggests possibilities for further research and conversation, emphasizing the need for listening to different experiences of human embodiment.

Medical Intervention Leading Up to Death

Dr. Michael Mawson

Dr. Michael Mawson discusses the increasing prevalence of medical intervention leading up to death.

Technology, Death, and Human Nature

Dr. Michael Burdett

In this interview, Michael Burdett explores three topics: the recent history and changing experience of death, the impact of technology on contemporary forms of relating and being social beings, and the transhumanist suggestion that “information” lies at the root of all existence.

Work and Education

Human Relationships and Social Media

Theological Anthropology for a Technological Age: A Contemporary Ecumenical Perspective

What is a human?

Christian Approaches to Contemporary Technology

Christian Visions of Human Flourishing